Monday, January 14, 2013

Psalm 34--Faithfulness

The Inspirational Study Bible by Max Lucado Life Lesson for Psalm 34 really focuses on faithfulness, both in friendship and with Christ.    As I read the following, it really hit me in the gut.  "You may have heard it said that a person does not really know who his friends are until the bottom drops out.  . . . The ultimate measure of friends is not where they stand in times of comfort and convenience, but where they stand in times of challenge and  controversy.  That being the case, apart from adversity of some kind, we would never know who our faithful friends really are."    There are people in my life that have basically disappeared.  I always refer to my life in two parts--before accident and after accident.  People have fallen out of my life and I don't really know why.  Maybe it has nothing to do with the accident and just has to do with people growing and changing.  Regardless, I am thankful for those who stuck by me and the new friends in my life. 

Mostly, I am so thankful that God is faithful and no matter what is going on in our lives, no matter when the bottom drops out, He is there.  Regardless of those around us, God is faithful and always there for us.  "the righteous cry out, and the Lord hears, And delivers them out of all their trouble."  Psalm 34:17 (NKJV)  It doesn't promise to deliver us out of trouble the minute we want, but it will happen.  God's timing is not our timing.  Let's trust Him.  His timing is perfect. 

Do you have any fair weather friends in your life?
Has the bottom ever fallen out of your life when you really needed "real" friends?
When has God showed you His faithfulness?

Thanks to all of you who stuck by me when the bottom fell out.

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hanksgiving for today
432.  Plan B
433.  Z-pacs
434.  Being able to work from home
435.  Getting a definite answer

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