Saturday, March 30, 2013

Don't Worry

Matthew 6:19-34

Sometimes in a long passage, there are just too many thoughts and I have to narrow my focus to just one.  But, I think I got all of this one boiled down to one concept--Worry.  I'm not positive, but I think that was the intent behind the entire passage.  What do you think?  In fact, in the VOICE verse 25 says, "Here is the bottom line: do not worry about your life."  That seems pretty clear to me.  We are not to worry.  We are to obey God and follow His commandments and trust that He will take care of us.  Of course, this makes sense.  You never know what tomorrow will hold.  Just focus on doing what you are supposed to today.  Now, this does not mean never make plans.  Making plans often eliminates stress, and frees up time to follow God.  But, we don't make plans on our own.  We let God be in the driver's seat of our lives and make plans according to His will for us.  And, we are flexible when plans change.  That is a hard one for me and one I have to work on every day.  I don't like change--never have, but after my brain injury it is even harder to adjust.  But, that's what we are called to do.  We need to be willing to adjust when God changes our plans.  We need to remember to follow His plans, not our own.  This requires constantly being in communication with God through prayer and Bible reading.  It requires putting His will before our own. 

Besides, we don't know what the future will hold, so there's really no point in worrying about tomorrow.  I could never have planned for the accident that changed my life.  I could never have imagined the opportunities that lay ahead in my life.  If I had planned out my life in my 20s, I never would have imagined the people I have met, the opportunities I have had, and the places I have been.  There is no way for us to know how one event or one day will impact our entire future.  But, God knows.  So, let Him be in charge and lead us where He wants us to go.   Worry does nothing but negatively impact our lives and our health.

I am so glad verse 34 says, "So do not worry about tomorrow.  Let tomorrow worry about itself.  Living faithfully is a large enough task for today."  (VOICE)  So, all I have to do and focus on is living faithfully today.  When I start to fret about tomorrow, remind me all I have to focus on is today.

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